President: Chris Scott
Vice President: Laurel Judkins
Secretary: Ethan Bradley
Treasurer: David Haake
Past President: Marina Hadjioannou Waters
Members: Angela Joseph, Chris Roberson, Christie Popp, Jamie Burnett, Leonela Sauve, Seret Measho, Will Lonnemann, Kelly Karbowicz Riley, Merima Popaja, David Schwartz
CEO: Cole Varga
Director of Development: Cassandra Sanborn
Director of Self-Sufficiency Programs: Kari Moore
Director of Supportive Services: Katey Humphries
Director of Legal Services: Rachel Van Tyle
Director of Reception and Placement: Kam Lamh Huai
Employment Program Manager: Matthew Netzley
Bloomington Resettlement Director: Erin Aquino
Office Coordinator: Clarisse Umubyeyi
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator: LJ Rudman
Bloomington Community Engagement Coordinator: Sarah Owen
Exodus Refugee Immigration
2457 E. Washington Street, Suite A
Indianapolis, IN 46201
(317) 921-0836